1.affected by stress
2.a stressed word or syllablepart of a word is pronounced more loudly or with greater force than other words or syllables
1.The past tense and past participle of stress
1.No wonder people feel stressed out to make it huge before they're 30 and will jump at any opportunity that looks like this might be it.
2.My company is talking layoffs, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't stressed out about it.
3.But if you think there's a chance he might be stressed out, maybe you should talk to him about it.
4.LEO: If you've recently been stressed out, a time of healing is now at hand. Also, new sources of income could soon appear.
5.And quite a few of them were even stressed out with the tests.
6.As an adult, that sort of schedule would leave me stressed out, cranky and frantic.
7.If you're really stressed out and depressed, the body seems to sense that's not a good time to get pregnant.
8.Father's Day brings this offering of a dubious milestone: Husbands are now just as stressed out as their harried wives.
9.At this moment, there are innumerable stressed-out San Franciscans wondering why the bus never seems to run anywhere remotely on time.
10.Me, too. I was a little stressed out about this new store, but now I'm feeling much more confident.